Sunrise and Sunset magic
Golden hours
A colorful sunrise and sunset are probably one of the most popular photography objects. This nature’s great shows are unique as never been the same.
There are thousands of tips about Golden hours and many tools to support you to calculate location and time. Actually whatever you do the nature always surprises, sometimes including some disappointment.
Creative photography
I appreciate a lot if there is potential for long exposure. The natural color palette is endless. In case of silence from the nature side, I found a good approach to enjoy the sunrise and sunset hours - it is a creative, impressionist style. There you may create your own vision within the use of multi-exposure (ME) and/or intentional camera movements (ICM), changing white balance settings, and layering light tweaks.
All my pictures are done in-camera with few Lightroom or Photoshop basic adjustments. I always try to get the best in camera.