Iveta Lazdina is a fine art photographer from Latvia. Her interest in photography began through travels when she became drawn to embedding personal moments that can move beyond the medium's ability to reproduce reality.
Inspired by impressionism, she works in a abstract and semi-abstract manner using creative multi-exposure technics. She studied at the Photo Academie in Riga (Latvia). In addition, Iveta has attended several creative classes and international workshops.
Lazdinas's images have been exhibited in several international group exhibitions and published in magazines including: ICMPhoto Magazine, LeMag, and Dodho.
Her first image for a wider audience was published in the Latvian pavilion in Hannover during “Expo 2000”. It was about a waste project developed in the North Vidzeme region, where Iveta was involved and proud of. Of course, today, such a photo wouldn’t get close attention. Still, in the 2000ies, it was a significant achievement to produce and present photos of very substantial progress in Environmental management here in Latvia.